CPR Basics can help you save lives!

We've seen it on TV, so we think we know CPR. And the basics are pretty simple. Tilt head, breathe in, pump chest. But there's a precise order to do things the right way. CPR is designed to keep the victim alive until help arrives. So never forget the first step!
Ask the victim if they are okay. Loud! "Are you okay? Are you all right?" If they don't respond, then:
Call 911.
Tilt the head and pinch the nose with the other hand lift the chin in order to clear airway
Give 2 breaths.
Compress the chest hard and fast -30 times.
Repeat until help arrives.
Sounds simple, right? But when panic is all around you it's easy to forget. So get certified in CPR. Visit 
to learn more about online certification and life saving techniques.

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